How Much do Dental Implants Cost?
The final cost of your implant will depend on a variety of factors, again, mostly having to do with the location of the desired implant, number of implants required, and any prep work needed to prepare the site for a successful dental implant. Overall, a dental implant is often the most cost effective tooth replacement option long term.
Factors that Affect the Cost of Dental Implants
There are many variables that will affect the final cost of your dental implant(s). These include:
- How long ago the tooth or teeth were lost. The longer a socket stays empty after a tooth is lost, the more bone is lost due to the jawbone not being stimulated by the tooth root.
- How much bone grafting needs to be done. If bone has been lost and what remains is not sufficient to support implantation, grafting must be competed and new bone growth encouraged before an implant can be placed.
- State of the gum tissue. If periodontal disease is present, it must be treated and the gums restored to health before a dental implant can be placed. The amount of time it will take to heal the gums depends on the severity of the gum disease.
- How many implants are required. A single implant is naturally less expensive than several, as are implants to support bridgework or dentures.
- The type of restoration desired. The material used for the restoration can also affect the final cost.
Can I Afford Dental Implants?
Like any other form of health care, dental work that is preventive and intended for long term success is costlier in the present but much less costly in the long run. A dental implant, once placed, can last the rest of your lifetime if properly maintained.
Fillings, caps, crowns, bridgework, and dentures will all fail over time and have to be redone, and without a root or dental implant in the jawbone, bone loss will occur and eventually cause the loss of additional teeth. Dental implants just make good sense.
For more information about our practice or to request an office tour, contact our Salina, KS, dental office at 785-825-7197 or book a consult or an appointment online.
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