Dentistry for kids in Salina, KS
Setting kids on the right track when it comes to their dental health and a solid at home oral regimen can mean a happy, healthy smile for life. We take your children through every step of their dental development from adolescence to adulthood.
Early Childhood
Pediatric dental care should start in infancy. Clean gums with a clean, damp cloth after feedings, and be ready with a toothbrush and pediatrician approved toothpaste by the time the first tooth appears. The health of the gums and the baby teeth can affect the adult teeth.
Usually the two bottom front teeth erupt when the child is about 6-8 months old, followed by the 4 upper front teeth. The rest of the baby teeth will appear in pairs along the sides of the jaw. All 20 baby teeth are generally present by the age of 2.5 years. Between the ages of 5 and 6, the first permanent teeth erupt, and gradually baby teeth fall out to be replaced with adult teeth.
The First Dental Visit
A child’s first “official” dental visit should take place just after their third birthday. Children can be prepared for their first visit by regular at home oral care; reading books or watching shows about going to the dentist; and by accompanying parents to our office to become familiar with the dentists, team, and surroundings.
The first dental visit is usually short and involves a quick examination and possibly a quick cleaning if the child is amenable. Parents may stay with their child for the first portion of the visit, but may be asked to allow the child to experience part of the visit alone to build their confidence.
Each child’s teeth and gums are carefully examined, X-rays may be taken (to look for decay and check on the progress of permanent teeth under the gums), teeth may be cleaned if indicated, and a fluoride treatment may be provided to protect against decay.
Cavity Prevention
Sealants can be applied to children’s teeth to lessen the risk of decay. Sealants take only moments to apply, don’t cause pain or discomfort, and significantly reduce the chance of childhood cavities.
The hygienist will also work with the child to help review proper brushing and flossing techniques, encourage at home oral hygiene, and ensure that fluoride is provided at home to help fight against decay.
For more information about our practice or to request an office tour, contact our Salina, KS, dental office at 785-825-7197 or book a consult or an appointment online.